Psycho Shower Scene Evaluation

Evaluation - During our lessons we have been working on using Foley sounds which we then used to put into the Psycho Shower Scene. In today's lesson, we looked over our final presentation and evaluated ours and others piece of work to see how well we did compared to others, and mainly how to improve. With our production work, I felt as if there was quite a bit of improvements that we could use for our next piece of work. The main improvement was possibly to improve the quality of the sounds and the alignment with the video, as it all seemed a bit off.

The actual recording of the sounds went smoothly and simply but we could have easily used a lot more sounds which would have helped create a bigger suspense to the scene. Our best sound effect was probably the shower curtains being pulled open/closed due to the fact that it was synced well and that it created a tense atmosphere. There were sounds that didn't work well; this was mainly the water running from the shower as it took over some of the other sounds too much and we weren't able to hear certain effects - back rubbing against the shower wall is a good example of this.


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