Olympus OM-1

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The Olympus OM-1.

Olympus OM-1
On Monday afternoon  we spent our lesson viewing the photography studio and I must say that there was some pretty nifty equipment down there ! There was a whole bunch of cameras, DSLRs ( Digital Single Lens Reflex cameras ), tripods and much more. Within this lesson , we were asked by Chris ( one of our teachers ) to analyse one piece of equipment within the studio that we had interest in. I chose to go with the Olympus OM-1 as it stood out to me a little more to me than the others. Probably due to the old fashion uniqueness to it.

The Olympus OM-1 is a fully-mechanical camera first produced around the 1970's with a 35mm SLR film. This type of camera is truly an original and is definitely a collector's item ,as well as being an effective tool for high quality photographs , due to their only being supposedly 5,000 produced. As there was only a very limited supply of these unique cameras , you could imagine that this piece of equipment is rather expensive. And it is. Using my internet surfing skills , it would seem that the cost of this camera ranges from £100 to around £200 depending on the different aspects of the camera , i.e. the camera lens size. This piece of equipment will be beneficial to all of us during our studies because of the quality of the film which is very helpful for us students, and it isn't too complicated which makes it a whole lot easier for all of us to use.

- Owen Bowra


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